Saturday, April 8, 2023

B&D Construction specializes in historic landmark preservation and brownstone façade restoration throughout New York City. They have worked on many brownstone buildings in various neighborhoods, including the Upper West Side, Upper East Side, Harlem, Central Park, Lower East Side, East Village, and Greenwich Village. New York City is known for its beautiful and historic brownstone buildings, many of which have been standing for over a century. Maintaining and preserving these buildings is crucial for the city's architectural heritage and cultural identity. B&D Construction has the expertise and experience necessary to ensure that the unique architectural features of these buildings are preserved while also making necessary repairs and upgrades to ensure their longevity. They use traditional techniques and materials to restore the façades of brownstone buildings, such as repointing and brick replacement, and can also restore cornices and stoops. If you own a historic brownstone building in New York City that requires restoration or maintenance, B&D Construction or a similar company with expertise in historic preservation can assist you in preserving your building's unique architectural features and character.

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